Counselling Schedule

Counselling Schedule

The University will prepared category wise merit list of applicants based on marks obtained by the candidate in the qualifying examination (10+2) aggregate of English, Physic, Chemistry and Biology. The merit list of applicants will be displayed on university website ( before the date of counseling. The candidate wishing to seek admission in the university must attend the counselling as per schedule below:

1st Counseling and 2nd counseling

Programme Date & Time Venue Commencement of Session
Dip.V.Sc.& A.H.Tech To be announced later In University Campus To be announced later


  1. Status of vacant seats, if any, will be available on the university website one day prior to 2nd counselling.
  2. Date of special counselling, if any, will be notified on the university website. The candidates are required to check the university website regularly for updates in this regard.
  3. The candidates appearing in the counselling are required to produce all the original certificates, otherwise the candidature will not be considered.
  4. No separate intimation will be sent for counselling for consideration of admission; the candidate must be physically present at counselling as per schedule. Absentees, for any reason whatsoever, will not be considered for admission.
  5. The University will not pay any T.A. / D.A. or any other expenses for appearing in the Counselling.
  6. If a candidate misses the first counselling, he/she can attend the subsequent counselling (s), but the admission will be made strictly merit wise of the remaining available seats.
  7. During counselling, the candidates will be called in the descending order of merit prepared by the University as per set criteria.
  8. The selected candidates shall have to deposit the entire fee on the spot immediately after counselling. Candidate must deposit fee in cash or cheque in favour of Comptroller, GADVASU, Ludhiana or by a Bank draft in favour of Comptroller, GADVASU, payable at any scheduled bank at Ludhiana or by credit/debit card, failing which the seat will be offered to the next eligible candidate as per the merit list according to the terms and conditions detailed in Chapter V.
  9. All the selected candidates shall have to submit Medical Fitness Certificate obtained from University Medical Officer, on the day of registration in the office of the Principal of the College where the candidate is seeking admission. The Medical examination fee of Rs 350/- will be charged by University Hospital. The candidate not found medically fit will be refunded the fee paid by him/her after following approved procedure and the seat will be offered to the next candidate at the next counselling.
  10. Date of counselling will not change under ordinary conditions, even if, declared a holiday.
  11. For the candidates seeking seats in self-financed category or management quota of private college, if they wish to change/withdraw their seat under any circumstances, the fees shall only be refunded if the seat is filled by the subsequent candidate, otherwise, the fees will not be refunded. The refund of fees will require certain processing time of the university.
  12. A “Counselling proforma” for admission to diploma programme, will be available on the university website before counselling. The duly filled counselling proforma along with self-attested copies of all the relevant documents (as per checklist) must be submitted by the candidate at the time of counselling. Simultaneously, the various original certificates/ documents listed at Sr. no 15 of this chapter are required to be submitted/ shown to the Counselling Committee, failing which candidate will not be considered for admission.
  13. The candidates selected for Diploma in Veterinary Science and Animal Health Technology shall be required to deposit fees on their selection immediately after counselling, failing which the seat will be offered to the next candidate on merit list. The selection letter will be issued to a candidate only when he/she has deposited the full fee. All the selected candidates shall have to submit medical fitness certificate to be obtained from University Medical Officer. Any candidate found medically unfit, shall be entitled to refund of fees. In such cases the application for refund must be submitted within 14 days from the date of issue of selection notice.
  14. No admission shall be made after the last date of admission, unless date(s) for special counselling(s) are notified/declared by the University
  15. Documents to be submitted at the time of counselling:
    1. Self-attested copies of the 10th, 10+2 detailed marks certificate and Character Certificate.
    2. Self-attested copy of the Residence Certificate obtained from the competent authority in the prescribed format (ANNEXURE A).
    3. Self-attested copy of the Certificate in support of the claim of belonging to Scheduled Caste (SC)/Scheduled Tribe (ST) or Backward Class (BC) or to any other reserved category(ies), in which admission is sought, obtained from the competent authority in the prescribed format (ANNEXURE I-VI).
    4. Self-declaration of the parent/guardian in the prescribed format (ANNEXURE VII).
    5. Self-attested copy of Low Income Certificate from the competent authority in the prescribed format for SC whose family income from all sources is below Rs.2.5 lakhs per annum (ANNEXURE VIII).
    6. Self-undertaking of gap in study period, if applicable (ANNEXURE IX).